Some suggestions regarding quality of life improvements:
- ability to add and replace palettes to the built in selection - switching between multiple custom palettes is a chore, especially when also importing different images.
- while were at it - if we could import multiple images and then browse between them with a slider that would also be awesome - I often need to compare the palette against multiple images and this would be such a time saver
- ability to move the colors around the palette or include different automatic color sorting methods.
- ability to specify exact number of colors so the black is not icluded by default. or just make the unused slots disabled by default (right now the only way to exclude black is to either decrease the contrast of the image or fill every slot with color but you have to do this with all 192 slots). Many palettes rely on not including the black so this should be a basic functionality.
- undo option - to undo the changes to settings and colors
- have the dither effect scale along with zoom - right now it's very frustrating to use because the effect gets messed up when you zoom in and out.
- it would help if contrast, saturation, brightness and tint options were on the same tab as the palette. you could also utilise the space on the left side of the app as it's mostly empty and for example - put the palette over there so it would be always visible.
- option to disable the grid mesh on the palette window because it makes harder to see subtle color differences between color slots
I know it's a lot to ask but with just a few more tweaks this tool could be so much more useful. I use it all the time in my work already and I would gladly pay for an upgrade.