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Hi @firecerne,

Your "real false" is not a logic state. Disconnected means that there is no path driving the transistor to a logical state. As such, sampling the state (doing logic calculations) leads to unreliable states and output.  

A logic state is a voltage level physically. In binary the two logic states can - for example -be associated to 3.3V and ground (0V) or with a dual power supply for example to  3.3V and -3.3V. 

There is increasing and ongoing research to more than two logic states as theoretically this leads to denser information per unit area. Modern solid state drives (SSD) have been using multi level cells, storing multiple charge levels in a single capacitor and in communication non-binary or multiple-valued logic encoded transmission/receiving is the standard. 

If you are interested 3 state logic (ternary), I build a  visual circuit simulator called Mixed Radix Circuit Synthesizer (MRCS) that is similar to Sebastian's (also build in Unity, open source and using WebGL) which can be found here:

Paper here

With that tool you can design circuits using truth tables based on two states, three or mix of them. I have submitted two physical chips for tapeout using Tinytapeout (Openlane workflow) using binary encoded ternary. You can find the design on my GitHub.

Reach out if you are interested in more info,

cheers Steven