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Im trying to unlock rune sexy scene, but having trouble. I have give back the relic to Teak and got Alon to come to the baths, how do I make Rune get the relic during training and have it as his eye, that is what im having trobule and is there anything else to unlock this scene or is the having Rune recieve the relic and wearing it the last thing

Since you gave the relic to Teak, he will give to Rune in the training. In the baths he will ask you to inspect it throwing at you, you have to catch in time. Rune sexy scene it's way before that and isn't related

(1 edit) (+1)

Oh, I meant how to get Rune fucking us sexy scene, i already did the inspect his junk scene

If you already inspect his junk, just need to go with him for lunch before go to the tower. But it's not a fuck scene exactly 

Thank you for the help mate, but you're confusing a second person now haha. Read the latest devlog. I wrote about the sex scene there.

You get it by completing TO DO list, just like every other important scene in the game.

I only know the scene about the handjob to inspect cum with mana vision, and since he said about inspect his junk, I think it's about that scene. I didn't play the lasted version, so that must be why I didn't know other scene

He said "i already did the inspect his junk scene" in response to what you said, as if to tell you "I know, but that's not what I was asking about".

I see you're confusing the third person now with Burry's question lol. He was asking about steps needed to see Burry's sex scene, and your reply didn't answer what he was actually asking. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'll start deleting messages with confusing or wrong answers from now on.