If you feel you were misled into buying something, just contact support for a refund. The drama with the $10 tier, $20 tier, immediate access to latest release, 2 weeks delayed access is not doing the game and the other buyers any favors. I do think this delayed access tier should either be explained in the game description and not comments, or done away with entirely going forward.
I don't know what the situation is. Whether there were always a $20 tier with immediate access and a $10 tier with delayed access, or if the $10 tier had immediate access before but now got bumped down a peg.
I do know that many popular games have itch.io releases 1, 2, 3+ versions behind their Patreon or Steam versions, even if you originally paid the same or more on itch.io than their current price elsewhere. Some have stopped updating the itch.io version entirely and just made it into a free demo.
I don't know what will happen here, but at least right now it seems FEYADA is trying to give itch.io a fair chance when they might be moving into a new pricing model. There is also the upcoming Steam release to consider.