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Good job, Andy! Look at Parker Episode, What kind of shit do you write? That's what parker went through in the past? Why do you have to write about Parker's past love experience? Can't you write something serious? Parker's ex boyfriend is the one Gil doesn't even look at? Parker likes a person Gil doesn't like at all? Why did you write Parker so cheaply? What does it mean to write Parker so cheap? What's the point of this writing besides making Parker cheap in front of other characters? After reading Parker Episode, I just think Parker is cheap and clown. Andy, you treat Parker fans as fools, right? I beg you to leave Parker alone and delete Parker, OK? You can't write, can you not? Do you dare to offend Lars fans and Gil fans? You dare not. You are just a dog of Lars fans and Gil fans. I know there are few Parker fans, so you can only disgust Parker fans. That's how you treat Parker's fans, right? Who do you want to disgust by writing a lump of shit? What else would you say besides "Please leave if you don't like to play"? Do you dare to say this to Lars fans and Gil fans? You dare not, you are just their dog. Anyway, I won't spend any more money for AC, so you can continue to immerse yourself in your discord kingdom. Discord fans are all the most loyal people you have selected.

(3 edits) (+9)

+1. After Class is shit.

Jokes aside, I'm sorry that my idea of Parker isn't the same as yours, but I won't apologize for what I write.

Besides, you're free to spend your money how you wish and entitled to an opinion of your own. This feels like some sort of reverse psychology that I don't give a fuck about LMAO.

And I've read this a few times already. Touch grass.

Stay mald and cope. 

(1 edit)

Do you think you are good? Do you think After Class is famous because of you? Don't be too narcissistic, sir. The plot is like a piece of shit. You deserve it? Your game is bullshit without the original painter. I'm really happy that the original painter no longer cooperates with people like you. Very good. You successfully disgusted Parker fans. You can't expect to get another penny from Parker fans. Anyway, you don't care about Parker fans. Go back to your Discord Kingdom and serve Lars fans and Gil fans like a dog. You are really a good dog.

(1 edit)

Shit, let's see how After class lost its popularity. You're right. Your game is a piece of shit. You are really a garbage writer, and you beat a lot of good cards.


I'll put my comment here, though I don't know whether you'll see it or not. There are some aspects of Walter that I do agree with the original comment, e.g., sometimes he seems to be quite dull, like when others are talking and there's a chance that they could be hiding something. (I know this is your story and you're free to shape it however you want, and you're the only one who knows Walter's personality the best.)

However, if I were Walter and somebody was talking about things that could be related to me, I'd definitely eavesdrop a little in case there is something I should be aware of. Although, you might argued that Walter's emotional state is quite a mess due to his memory loss. 

Then another point could be made; there were several times that Walter decided not to ask an important question because of "courtesy" or some sort? Like in the Gil's route: there was a time when Walter could ask about "why did he lie to Walter," (I'm not quite sure what Walter meant by this line though.) He could have asked though questions several times but he decided to remain silent. If it was to extend the plot for a bit longer, then I think there might be a better way to shape those dialogue, like make Walter go around the question a bit and make Gil spill something without his realization.

The dialogue of each character seemed natural enough, there might be some that seems odd, but I don't really know how to improve because I'm also struggling writing those kind of conversation between characters lol.

Another point I'll agree with the original comment is that romanticizing Gil's harassment is quite off for now, but I prefer to think that maybe there might be more backstory between Gil and Walter, which made Walter responds to Gil's behavior subconsciously like the way he is. Still, I'm a Gil fan, and I tease my close friend like that occasionally, and we didn't mind it... so the fact that I'm mostly fine with Gil's behavior might stemmed from this.

Overall, there are still room for improvements of writings, dialogues, and character development, but that takes time to improve. Keep it up! : D

P.S. I find the original comment to be too harsh and things could be phrase a little bit more constructive, but again, I'm not him/her/them so I don't know what the commenter saw.

I have finished what I want to say. Let's see how Andy describes Parker as a Cheap and low character. Parker never had any favorable character and background. What piece of shit does Parker Episode describe? What else is there besides knowing that Parker is a cheap and low person? Did Andy respect Parker's fans? No, he didn't. He just said that if you don't like playing, go away. He just needs to serve Lars fans and Gil fans like a dog. This month's sponsorship is for dogs.

Well unfortunately I must disagree with you there, I feel like what they were trying to do was to make them trust you due to the fact that whoever you choose as a love interest will have the pendant you were given as a child. Maybe you confessed to the person when you were younger and now that they know you don't remember them they're trying to start stuff fresh and new. Walter is generally not an aggressive person so making him force the person to reveal the truth would just make them refuse to do it completely and distance themself from him. Yeah I know it would probably end with an apology, love then the truth comes out but remember this game is supposed to be 15 days. And that plot is good for only 4 DAYS at max. Yes I do find the route he's taking irrational and stupid by not being persistent on his own life but it gives people more plot and time to fully understand and love the characters in the game. 

thank you. But you might as well see how the heat of After Class gradually cools down. Do you think After Class is famous because of Andy? No, thanks to the painter. Now the painter has left, Andy is inferior to his After Class shit. Of course, I won't pay a penny for a piece of shit.

Please remove Parker's route and let go of Parker's fans. Thank you, Andy. Parker is a Cheap and Low character. Let Parker's fans get relief.

Its still unfinished tho..

Oh dear, you should really see how Mr. Andy is disgusted with Parker fans in Parker Episode. Parker Episode is a piece of shit. Why should Parker fans continue to believe and send money to this garbage writer.