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Starfall: This is a beautifully crafted main theme. I love the female voice you used and the solo string instrument sounds so full and raw. The accelerando with the crescendo feels so epic and cinematic. This is a really cool first track and is making me more excited to listen to the rest of your soundtrack now!

Assembling the Epic Crew of… Wait, What?: This track reminds me of the Colosseum theme from Kingdom Hearts and feels brave and heroic. I found your ending with the door opening sound and the crowd noise quite funny!

Misfits: This is another funny song with the playful instrumentation and the chromatic wandering melody. The building energy seems to carry a lot of uncertainty with it as the main character’s expectations continue to be unmet.

Setting Sail: Great transition back to the epic adventure sound. Your percussion and brass feel particularly big and powerful. Are these default instruments in your DAW or are they from sound libraries?

Waves, Pirates, and Sea Monsters: The tension is building and this trailer-like song brings the energy needed for all of these conflicts. I really like the ending section with just the horn and the percussion that makes me imagine all the sounds of the crew bustling around the deck trying to survive and stay afloat.

Don’t Lose Hope: I absolutely love this echoey voice you use. Would you mind sharing what you used to make that sound? This track carries so much emotion, which is probably why this one stood out to me as my favorite track.

All Your Dreams Will Come True: This is such a uplifting and hopeful theme. The overall energy of your soundtrack continues to build which is great overarching story-telling that is advanced from a single track by track approach. The jig-like melody makes this one even more fun to listen to. 

Land at the Other Side of the Ocean: I really like the brave, heroic, and hopeful buildup that the French horns bring to this song. This is a really beautiful orchestral soundtrack that I thoroughly enjoyed all the way through. I really appreciate your sense of humor which adds a lot to your story and makes the resolution that much sweeter. Excellent work and thank you for sharing!

Very glad you enjoyed "Don’t Lose Hope"! It was the last track I decided on (almost didn't happen), and the second to last track I made, I only had a few hours to spend on it while being very tired (last jam day crunch, woohoo!), so I am glad it was worth it. :)

The voice I use is "Elven true legato" from Zero.G Atlantis 2. I recommend the Zero.G vocal libraries overall, superb quality, SO much content, and very affordable (and they're on sale quite regularly as well). I very barely touched the tip of the possibilities you can do with those libraries for my tracks. 

Brass used is in Spitfire's BBC Core. I use the long cuirve articulation for those big powerful sections (which is most of the brass in these tracks). I also use long SFZ for shorts, since they have a very powerful attack, before fading out into a silent long. These make them useful as more powerful staccato's (no round robins though, so less effective in repetition). 

Percussion is a mix of sound files for some extra big booms, spitfire originals cinematic percussion for more reverberant booms, and Hammers (another spitfire library) is the brunt of it! I also use the percussion in BBC Core for certain tracks (especially in the second track where it's mostly BBC perc). 

I hope that helps, thank you so very much for the nice comment! 


Wow! Thank you so much for all this information! I haven't bought any libraries yet because I want to get the right sounds, and I love the sound of your soundtrack so these may need to be my first!

Big congratulations on number 1, well deserved!  

Haven't bought any libraries, I see! Really goes to show that you don't buy expensive libraries, and all of a sudden you're good (if anyone even thought that), you have used the tools you have (which sounds great as well) really well, and bam, you get some amazing music. 

But if you're feeling like you want some more expansive libraries, this would be a good time perhaps, as they will give you more power to express yourself further, I'd say you're at a good level to really get use out of them. So look at videos, walkthroughs, find out if they're really for you, and wait for sales! There's also a student discount on Spitfire, if that applies to you. 

Be well Lava. :)

Thank you! And thank you so much for your advice. What websites do you go to find sales? Are they directly from the vendors or are there third party sites I should be looking at? Appreciate it!

About the libraries from Spitfire Audio: Spitfire don't really sell their stuff on third party sites, so their own website ( is where you got to go. Unfortunately the 40% on everything sale ended like... a few days ago, so that's a bummer. Unfortunately it could be a while before the next one. One thing you could do is make an account on their website, and wish list the items you're interested in, as sometimes they do a special wish list sale. Meanwhile, if you haven't, you can get BBC Symphony Orchestra Discover for free. It is the free version of BBC Symphony Orchestra Core, the library I used for the brass (and strings etc). You won't get the sound I have, because those articulations don't exist in the free version. But it does still give you an idea of the sound, interface and which instruments are available (a few less in the free version, but most are there). 

About the libraries from Zero.G: These can be found on several third party sites, way too many for me to list, don't know much beyond that. So you got to look around, but it's not too uncommon to find a sale on Zero.G's own website.  

I hope that helps. I'll try to ping you, if I ever see a sale. :)


Once again, thank you! I do use Spitfire's free VSTs and the BBC Discovery orchestra (which is such a phenomenal free resource), but I think you're right that upgrading gives more freedom and versatility. I'm not really in any rush and could definitely use discounts if it's an option so I'll browse around and wait for a good deal. :) Thank you!

Best of luck in your search, and be careful! Once you start buying libraries, it can become very, VERY addicting. ;)