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(1 edit)

cool! looking forward to it! also, i'm sure your aware, but some of teh borders are broken, especially in the ruin(s) area.  it's nothing where you die or anything, but more where you can just get lost off-screen.
I love the story content, too! I was kinda expecting the old craftsamn to be 'ressurected' by something from the ruins (I.E he died and was brought to life) and had an even worse vengance, but this is sooo much better! kinda exited to see what the ruins will do later.

Edit: What's the best item for metal, as of tier one tiems/research? 100 metal is alot for how fast the smelters work as of now and haven't gotten the metal or the gold research done so I can hoard ores and get mroe smelters to smelt more than one metal ect ect
Is there a better way of getting metal than ores or cans?

(P.S, I figured out the riddle. Nice hiding trick. been scrounching around all the riddle areas for things like that...)

Nah, Gold and Copper Bars are the way to go.  It's just like a big part of the game so I thought it should have a big quest objective.  The bars double up as metal though, so if you use those you really only need to fill in 60 of some other metal.  Steel is worth the most, but Gold would be the fastest to produce.

The out of bounds stuff is a little embarrassing!  When I redid the tilesets, I missed a collision box in there, they're all getting fixed though.

good to know. Also, on the graveyard area (and in acouple of other areas too) there's this dark green 'moss' that crosses the path. It kinda reminds me of seeing a tree canopy from the top of a mountain.