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(3 edits) (+5)

To Andy regarding Teddy’s route and the recent hate rampage from he who must not be named. 


I’ve recently read Parker's route last night, and I honestly see nothing wrong with it. I know the opinion of one person usually doesn't matter, but because of someonneeeeeeee (-_-) I feel the need to say this. From a reader's perspective, it's a nice look into Parker's past and who he was and still is as a person. For example in the main story, Parker seems to be in a better state of mind than he was back then. Him being self conscious about his weight being the main trait that carried over with him from the past. 

 There is also some nice use of rhetorical devices in the episode. The main one I noticed is repetition, with the repetitive use of multiple references to depression and acts of depression. Usually too much repetition can be bad, but I believe in a situation regarding depression (as this episode) it is used VERY well. Especially since depression can be a cycle of monotonous repetitions (speaking from experience). Like how Parker didn’t want to go out with Hendrik and then immediately regretted it. Or how Parker consistently compares himself to others, and how he can’t even look himself in the mirror. 

Although some may say that the Parker episode is “bad” I honestly think you did a really great job at taking a look at Parker's personal past and depression. The only thing I could see that was bad about the route is some grammatical mistakes but that's literally the only thing.


Thank you for being ten billion percent better than thou who shall not be named

What can we say to Andy's carefully selected loyal dogs? Andy's shit is sweet to you.

(1 edit) (+1)

I didn't see any loyal dogs here

The one I'm seeing right now is all bark and and no bite. Funniest thing is he share your name 

What a coincidence 


Get out of my replies you illiterate fuck.  LMFAO

I can't even begin to grasp what you're saying. Maaaaaybe you didn't like Parkers episode because you couldn't actually understand what it was trying to convey?


It started a few months back.

They complained about how Parker was the only one without any past relationships, and then complained when PE1 showed his past love life. 

They were reaaaaaally insisting on Parker x Gil, so they were malding that I didn't give them that in recent update. 

It's ironic they kept calling themselves Parker's "fan", yet they want me to delete him lmfao. 

What's their agenda, I wonder?

They wanted a Parker backstory and they got it. 

Just because two characters that you like aren't together doesn't mean the world is ending 😭


I think that if someone becomes that invested into fictional characters, they should maybe look into getting some sort of counseling. 

It's great if a story and its characters invoke strong emotions but in the end storyteller is at the helm and not the reader.

There's a difference between escapism and obsession - and it's not even that fine line. If the story and its characters are no longer enjoyable then the right move is to walk away from it, not to get obsessed over it...

(1 edit)

And your shit is tragic, monstrous, dreadful, ghastly, atrocious, appalling, horrendous, wretched, mediocre, idiotic and let's not forget, WORTHLESS, to me.

Now get your ass off our replies. Thank you ❤️


That's a great analysis you put up here! Really spot on.

There are some intentional grammatical errors I put there, for the sake of lore, haha.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEE (definitely going to reread it now).