Whenever I turn off the computer and go back to play the game it resets even if I saved. Was this supposed to happen?
I'm the programmer on this game. It's not supposed to lose save data between sessions. It stores your saves in the cosmo.sav file, which should be in the same folder as the game exe.
The first thing that comes to mind is that the game might not be able to create the cosmo.sav file if it's on your desktop or something. You could try moving your installation to a different folder. If you have the game folder open, you should see the cosmo.sav file appear shortly after you enter the name for your first save.
Hi this isn't me replying to the post but I just wanted to ask if You could possibly make it a browser game, my chromebook doesn't allow me to download the files, so if it doesn't cause too much trouble could you make it a browser game? or possibly put it on newgrounds? on newgrounds it allows me to play games without having to go through downloading it. I hope you have a great day.