Thanks for playing! I'm glad you tested the game out with a controller, controller support was broken in the last DD.
>One thing I'll mention is the lack of purpose to displaying the amount of flag levels beaten / total in the top right of the map, given the worlds are basically linear. I would suggest removing it as a pointless UI, unless you plan on allowing some non-linear chapter completion or something.
Good point, I haven't worked on it more because I wasn't sure on it.
>*For some reason the reset action was set to 'disconnected' surrounded with <>(or some other bracket) when I selected the controller option in the drop down menu. Don't know if it would have worked or not since I changed it before playing the game.
I left it disconnected in fear people would accidentally press it while playing or opening the pause menu. It is possible to bind it. Another posted also mentioned this, so I will bind it to the select button for next demo day.