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Hello There SmartPenguins!! I hope all is well. I'm not sure if you're still active, but I wanted to maybe try to message and see if you could help me pinpoint a solution to a problem I have been encouraging as buildbox upgraded to 3.5.3. When I type my character ID list into the SP Grid View, it deletes my comma and won't add my character. I've never encountered this with your shop system, so I just figured I'd ask if you were available. Big fan of yours, and I love your work, Thank you for your time!!

That looks like a new bug BB created, make sure you report it, but it looks like it removes 3 first commas, so what you can do is before your list add 3 commas [,,,1,2,3,4,5]  this is just a workaround.

true, I figured it out as well and the issue still there Buildbox hasn’t fixed it yet. Adding ,, before the numbers will fix this issue. And I wanna thank you again for this shop system, it is awesome.

I also have 2 questions for you Smart Penguins.

1- How do I place an image in front of the grid  view? The grid view seems pined to be always in front. I would really appreciate it if you could help.

2- I have done so much with that shop system, you have no idea. The project I’m working on right now requires the item, BG or Currency to have a label node connect to it, so once the Item, Bg or currency has created the text will show up.  Now, I can use the label node Buildbox provided but the only issue I have with that label node is not set to type infinitely. So my question is would you be able to create a label node where I can type more than 1 paragraphs or infinity.

If you can let me know your price. 
