A really great looking game you've made here! The pixel art is really well done, and I *love* the music track, although it got repetitive after a while. Is there any difference between the characters?
The UI seems to take up too much of the screen, hiding enemies in the corners. I larger vision in general would be very nice because the game could be played faster if you didn't have to worry about a new monster appearing a few tiles away after every move. I do realize that the screen is the size it is for balance reasons though, since enemies aggro when they enter the screen.
Maybe I didn't get deep enough, but I had a feeling of "aimlessness" wondering if I'd hit the end at some point or if the dungeon just went on forever. I have a feeling it actually does end here, but even a one-line message at the begging to shed some light on the plot/goals could go a long way. Also a floor indicator would be very nice.
Was the lack of health drops a balance decision? Mistakes are very punishing but I assume that is by design, especially with the deterministic combat system.
Is there are reason there are no combo pieces for left and right movement? Or did I just get really unlucky with finding them?
It would be nice to start with a few combo pieces or get a few guaranteed on the first map. It was confusing to figure out how the system worked, especially because most games don't seem to find a piece on the first map. Maybe even just an indication on the combo edit screen that tells you to find more pieces first :-)
Overall, a great looking and well-polished game, but I'd love to see a little more to give the player a sense of purpose instead of just dropping them into the dungeon.
By the way, I got the starting map below which was very annoying. You can use a combo to escape the spikes, but if you don't have the pieces or if the other side is blocked by the wrong combination of enemies, then you will probably take a decent chunk of damage.