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I'm going to have to point this out. Now that there are size caps, all the " Powers of Growth" Skills you previously could level up are completely irrelevant. You're gonna have to completely get rid of all of them now.

Maybe have a "Limit Breaker" tree instead that boosts how many limit breaks you get each two levels or multiplies the max size for each limiter. Muscles, Height, and both sizes. Four skills a piece, each adds another multiplier. (2->5 times max size.)

Just a few good strikes with the Growth Sigil from Togar is enough to cap out anything. Especially if you got like 500+ strength. BTW, tons of ups, easily hit over 1000 strength. Everything is dying in one hit.


After playing with it a bunch, I agree that it makes growth build stop in their tracks. I'll work on making them feel more rewarding.