Art is better, I like the opening and level loading.
- I don't like the palette (super personal opinion, you can discard it)
- I'm afraid the "spelunky clone problem" we talked about in the tread is still very apparent.
- I like the secrets that are harder challenges, but you don't introduce them at all. Just put a sign post on the first one.
- Also, no signpost that tells you to hook the boxes for an health pickup. I know just because I'm an insider. Since you can walk through it, it could seem just scenery.
- You need a better icon to show that you can interact with signpost by pressing down
- I like the new levels, but they escalate in difficulty too quickly. By the fifth or sixth jump you are already asking to do an enemy hook jump on the left and while in air hook jump on the right. Unreasonable for a new player, I did it only because I know the game.
- I didn't remember the controls on keyboard were this strange. If you move with arrows, you use ZXC or crtl, alt, space for actions. Also Esc for pause, not Enter. Since you don't need an override you could just add them, but keep it in mind.
Sorry for the harsh words; gl for next dd.