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Could you please tell me how can I enter the Eleth Eleven Enclave? No matter what I do, the barkeeper just keep repeating they are considering to let human enter but they never let me in

It's on the map after the Elven lady agrees to let you into the Enclave. Just keep checking to the right on the map, it's in the forest past the demoness's tower.

There's also a guard at the enclave that keeps yapping about his love life, just keep clicking through his dialogue and you'll get in.

It works! Thank you for your help

And how I get the Enclave? The Elven lady get out of the  lighthouse and I can't get in to enclave?

The elven lady I mentioned to Xiakankan is different from the one in the lighthouse. The one in the lighthouse is connected to Nel's questline. The elf that grants you access to the enclave is introduced in the main questline.

Just continue the main questline (leveling up and going to the guild hall for assignments) and you'll eventually meet the enclave elf. She's blonde.