I did something very treacherous in the ctp chat and got banished from it 🤯🤯also hi
ctp chat sucks you should use tac instead in my unbiased opinion
oh ok 🗣🗣🔥🔥
austin racist arc m 🤯🤯
shut up you fucking retarded little faggot you should have killed yourself back when you realized your parents don't fucking love your worthless ass
actually i left my mom's house faggot get fucked
i’m in his fathers ass
he is yes
imagine this mf trying to get a job 💀
i don't have the image on hand
you wouldnt even know how to make a fucking application kid..
i got a glock in my rari
I could unban you if you'd like? The ban reason atr gave was "Your not funny my guy" So I genuinely dont know what you did and I don't feel like scrolling down to May 6th.
it’s oka lmao thank you though