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? explain pls

Death games have specific rules and often the game stays limited to those rules but it's not realistic . If you wake up with no memories in a mansion and find yourself in a death game it will be naive to think that all your companions don't have hidden motives . 

For example Anya could kill you because of a memory she regains especially if she regained a memory about how you are the reason for the timeline imbalance ( according to Destiny lie) also Anya could kill you and go back to the mansion and claim you died by accident or that Zero killed you.

Who would the other believe more a psycho Null trapping them inside a death game or an innocent looking girl.

When it comes down to a realistic death game expect to die and be killed in all unexpected illogical ways and don't take the game rules as relegious text .

After all CC was hiding a secret motive all along and so did Ressato.