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Okay, i love this game and I still play it once and a while even though I'm all caught up just to keep stacking money so I'm ready for new content. I've got alot to say but it's from a standpoint of being caught up and it is positive feedback too.

First off, it's crazy that even though it's a herem type game, it's still a better dating sim than any other game I've ever played. Maybe i'm playing it wrong but that's the way i been treating it; i got to know all the girls and honestly; Lin is my favorite and I know it's crazy because she's an Elf so it would be complicated to be with her but Mr. Trenero is married to an Elf  so i feel like I should be able to too. Which i did find facinating because slaves are prohibited from marrying because, as long as they are in a state of bondage, they lacked the capacity to enter into any legally enforceable civil contracts. But if by some crazy law change they come free or if it works like a greencard situation where a married elf becomes free and then can divorce their master and stay free; then Kali is my second choice but after that i have no interest in the others. So i would hope that Lin would stay with me because i feel like I'm good to her but if she chose to leaves cuz she's free then i can accept that cuz i just want Lin to be happy. 

I am absolutely comfortable with marrying Lin and friendzoning all the other girls. Like i don't think i've done anything with any of the elves in the sanctuary unless the story made me.  And i saw another comment where someone said something about the characters being pregnant and that would be something i would interested in with Lin even though i know it would take a long time because i think either Syvia or one of the books in the school library said Low land Elves have a hard time conceiving and that's why they have a day dedicated to procreation and relaxation.  

And i did notice that Lin has no affection stat like the others, so i was worried that kids and marriage with her wouldn't be an option with her.

I also think it would be cool if i could get Lin and the other elves human outfits like the android has so we could go hang out places like regular people, like a simple hats and contacts. Also those 5 elves in the sanctuary bring in no profit and i don't think Ashley pays either, Maria helps out in the bar so that helps make money but i think it would be interesting if the android got more powerful to the point of being able able to make fake IDs and identities (which would bring in more money) and get an upgrade that would give her medical knowledge to clip ears for elves that want to try to live a normal life and no one would know unless they got their blood tested but also to fix up Nia when she gets hurt and be a Doc to the elves with fake identities. 

Also if there's any way Maria could at least meet her mom, i know breaking her out would be impossible but like if maybe the android hacks the cameras and security for like just an hour, i know it's not much time but i think it'd be cool to at least let Maria meet her mom cuz family is important. 

Well, i got lots of ideas cuz i love the game, but i don't want to tell you how to do your job lol i was just saying alot so you know how much i like the game. 


Thanks :)