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This technique allows to fill 1 pack every ~4 seconds :

-Drag the Doratos bag next to the "infinite ahoge", so it lays on Nijika's hairs, but barely overlaps with the ahoge
-Spam the ahoge 10 times (left/right click, clicking too fast might skip a few chips)
-The chips will instantly go into the Doratos bag, which can then be dragged into "Mrs. blue hairs"

Spamming the ahoge pushes the precedent generated chips upwards, which seems to cause a noticeable amount to disappear off screen.
As a result, filling the entire screen with chips will still take too much time to automatically fill the bag.

The proposed technique solves that problem : by dragging the Doratos bag next to the ahoge, the generated chips are absorbed before they go too high, or spread in a chaotic chain reaction.

Dragging the bag right on the ahoge will cause the chips' hitboxes to push it away, which is why it should be placed aside, yet close enough to absorb chips as they are generated.

...and heck yea, I'm writing a detailed analysis for this game. Just you dare tell me it doesn't deserve it!