Really fun, it's got that replayability that I enjoy in games.
Thoughts on additions:
1. Make it so the upgrade choices are more geared to which gemstone you choose. Its only really necessary with the summon damage gemstone
2. add a level up animation, this could fix the auto select perk and disappearing perk problem.
3. add upgrades like homing bullets, piercing, ricochet, thorns, and heal on kill
4. Condense the stat numbers for better visibility
5. some fun guns would be a single shot high damage gun with long reload time, a melee weapon, a mini-gun style gun with lots of ammo and a fire rate that increases based on how long you hold down the trigger. and some sort of charge up gun that increases damage based on charge. another fun one would be a whistle or something that summons birds from off screen to the cursor that did summon damage, the whistle itself would shoot out a little pulse that had high knockback but very little bullet damage
6. cosmetics, while unnecessary, skins are always welcome. they could be unlocked via completing a specific run IE: only summon items or all spike based upgrades.
7. A bestiary which shows enemy health and damage
8. An upgrades list that shows you all the unlocked perks and what they do
9. a way of seeing what the upgrades do to your stats IE: damage up 25% - 18->22.5
Keep in mind these are only suggestions and I wont hold it to you if they aren't implemented. You're doing a great job so far!