Thank you!
As for your questions: that is, ah, non-trivial to make work between different biome types. It's like, how do you transition from grass to dirt, from dirt to mountain? You could just do an alpha fade, but that looks bad. So some kind of painted alpha mask might be needed, or unique borders per biome, maybe. I have suggested people use "patches" that cover just the edges, and that kinda works, but it's a bit of a crude solution.
Anyway, seamless terrain across multiple biomes is a problem that requires a bit of thought because there are multiple ways to handle it AND I'd have to redraw a version of all the tiles, AND, worse, I'd have to figure out how to split these new assets into assets - do I do new packages? Add them to old ones? I'm not sure.
Also, would making a bunch of assets which are incompatible with the old ones, or supersede them, be worth the time required? It's not clear.
So, TLDR: I have been thinking about it, but there's no easy and obvious approach.