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Just played though the available levels in the demo and I really enjoyed it. Though, only 2 levels worked for me for some reason. Massive fan of SPM, so I'm really looking forward to this. I'm wondering if are you available to chat sometime? I am interested in contributing to the game.

Thanks! I'm sorry that only 2 levels worked for you, I'm still working on optimization so I might have a new demo out later on. 

It's cool that you would like to contribute to my game! The only things I need help with is better music for some of the levels, maybe some extra enemy designs, but I'm almost finished with most of the game. I'm doing the best I can to make a game like SPM, but it's not going to surpass it or anything since I can only do so much.

I'm also thinking of making some kind of sequel that's less of a precision platformer with more creative worlds, not sure yet though. If you have any areas you would like to help with let me know :)

Thanks so much for getting back to me! Music was actually exactly what I was hoping to help with. I'll send you some of my music, so you can decide whether or not I'll be a good fit. I am also interested in helping out with SFX. I have a few examples of sound design I have done included in my portfolio as well.

Oh cool! I think your style of music would fit in a title screen/end of level theme, and maybe some other level themes? I can do SFX just not music lol.

Sounds good! I'm wondering if you have an email or discord account so we can discuss things further more easily?

Sure! My email is and my discord tag is Jetro#2300, whichever one is easier for you I guess.

(1 edit)

Great! I'll add you on discord. My discord name is Carter0891.