Played it and enjoyed but i litteraly finished the game in 2 minutes and half (not worth 1 dollar imho because its extremely short).
Hi, this was a game-jam game that I made completely from scratch (hand painted textures, models, animations, music and so on) by myself in just 5 days, so that's why it's so short.
As for the $1, that was for a support/fundraising event. The game is usually free, and I forgot to set it back to free, which I have now.
Sorry for the expectations, I'm glad you still managed to enjoy it even though it's short.
Hello :p
yeah I had read the description about the 5 days of development. My comment was about the price but I want to clarify that I really enjoyed "playing" the game which reminded me of "astro playroom". The 3 minute duration is too frustrating.
In my opinion, you have the skills and the talent to work in a big studio (with more money, you could do very well and I really think so my friend).
I want to congratulate you and encourage you to work in this direction because you have talent.
Please, I didn't want you to put the game for free, it was only a remark and I hope I didn't sound rude.