Here is the average games enjoyer opinion)
- here is a lack of tutorial, which introduces main mechanics and controls for player clearly
- it is not obvious, which of two opposite crews you are playing for
- it is not clear, what the unit classes are
- it is not clear, how these classes differ from each other
- here is a lack of a short description of the effect of the card being played
- when the card is being played, unit stats's changes should be indicated with animations, to make player clearly understand how his choise affected the gameplay
(for example: short-timed highlighting of the changed value)
- upper ship's healthbar is covered by ornament too much, so it becomes hard to check the health value quickly
(for exmple: make the ornament's turns less frequent/increase the ornament's opacity/move it to the healthbar's background)
- move the GLORY points counter separately, because it is hard to differ among other upper less gameplay-important counters
- unit's DAMAGE/HEALTH values aren't highlighted and hard to keep in attention
(for example: make the DAMAGE/HEALTH panel above the unit and highlight it with colors)
- in the pause menu, there are SFX/Music sliders' icons are placed wrong.
The slider, which has a note icon, changes the SFX loudness, but not the Music loudness
- rightside ship's bottom pixels are getting through icebergs
- when the card is being played, the sound of the anvil clanging is too loud
- the musinc and other sounds are pleasant
- the design and color palette are very pleasant too
- the right atmosphere is created successfully