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Absolutely love it! Although, part of me thinks it was targetted purely at me for using my keyboard too fast XD... Definitely messes with your brain, but the concept of "not"s to make it more fun is certainly genius, and the messed up English definitely makes it a lot more fun!

Of course, not to ? du dev, but I do have some feedback as I like to give everyone, although for a small game like this it is very hard to come up with some XD

  • Skipping the text so you don't have to wait for it to fully write in each time would be cool.
  • Sound effect on getting a wrong answer would be cool
  • A "power" (time) counter while playing would be a nicety, although may not fit your theme (?)
  • And finally a restart button after every level, just so you can go back and try it again!

Awesome little infuriating game though, especially for the small amount of time you had!

I've put recorded quick videos of each game I've played since I often find it useful to see how players tried my game... If you wanna take a look at yours, feel free, hope it can be of some help!

Wish you the best of luck with your other projects, can't wait to compete with you again in the next jam!

Deleted 1 day ago

No worries! Can't believe I missed the easter egg, will definitely have to go back and check again! 😂