I will address your criticisms on my post.
- I am fine with a hard game. I never said I wasn't. Please explain where you reached that conclusion.
- All right, how do I use the turrets "correctly" to ensure they have ample time to shoot at air units before they pass overhead?
- I understand it being difficult to make, but the sheer amount of cultivators for a single press is immense. How many cultivators is it, even, to achieve the press' maximum output rate? It's just a hassle getting them all set up especially when you have to keep adding another additional cultivator after another to try to reach its maximum output rate.
- I don't think I understand what you mean here. What I interpret is that you suggest taking the harvested "lower tier" materials to an easy level to convert them into "higher tier"? Like shipping off to a lower-level with Titanium to make Plastanium on an easy level? If we go through the trouble to grind resources in previous maps, why shouldn't we be able to utilize them in future maps until beating Wave 40 on it? At the very least those resources that cannot be acquired on the map in question until late in the tech tree would be nice to be able to bring along from the get-go.
- The sass here is uncalled for. How many scatters do you need to get a good AA defense? When I tried them out I had several which did next to nothing, rarely hitting and doing little damage when they did. When the big bad boss showed up on the final level they didn't so much as dent him. What ammo do you use? How do you set them up "correctly?" Oh and yes I do know about the Ripple and Hail. I know they're ground turrets. I know they're separate for a reason. And I know that there's a reason that they're long range. That has no relevance to my post and served only as a personal attack.
- Once again I do not understand what you mean and would like to request clarification. Force me out of which zone? My complaint is that instead of repairing a wall as it's damaged it's easier (and often cheaper due to less valuable resources being used) to just tear it down and rebuild it or wait until it blows up and rebuild it then. 3.5's repair turrets were far more useful than the mend projector unless you constantly feed it phase fabric, and even then it's such a power hog that the infrequency of its repair makes keeping it on more trouble than it's worth.
And you conclude with another unnecessary personal attack. I do actually play the game and I do think strategically about it. I never complained about being bad at it and I do put effort in. In your post you expressed no desire to "share [your] findings" as much as a desire to act superior. Maybe you are better than me, that's fine. But explain how I am wrong and how I go about improving instead of disparaging me.
Finally, I do have a few questions since they are things I've been fuzzy on and would like clarified. I truly am interested in what you can teach.
The main topic involves the best ways to make force projectors resistant to shutting down. Specifically
- when the power drops and jumps back up immediately is that cause for concern in that it could lead to power failure despite having adequate power and backup attached to it?
- when cooling them, is it better to slap a fluid tank flush on one (or more) side(s) or is it better to have conduits leading from the tank?
- when cooling them, how many conduit inputs should I attempt to hook up?
- does overlapping force projectors' areas affect their strength?
- as well as any other advice regarding the topic at hand.
Tangentially related are the following two questions
- are fluid tanks beneficial or do they just increase the maximum capacity of the connected system resulting in less water/cryofluid for the things that actually utilize it?
- what is the rate of transfer for the conduits?