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(1 edit)

Hey Greymark, thanks for the question. I’m very much a ‘hobby designer’ and create and release content for free and have no objection if people want to create content for the system (that would be cool). I released the core rule books under a Creative Commons licence to allow people to hack/tweak/amend and release their own content based on the rule-set if they wish without restriction (aside from an acknowledgement).

With regard to the adventures, this to me felt like just usable content where there would be little appetite to hack, tweak or amend this so I didn’t bother adding the licence. 

We recently ran a game jam and I created some logos for people to use if they wished (it was optional). There’s no licence restriction on my part for third party material it was more about people having a logo to associate their creations with the system.

In short, if someone had some interest in creating something for the system then go for it, I’m cool with it.

I hope this answers your questions.

Just to explain further, I am a 'hobby coder' and am intrigued by HoA as a possible rule set for a basic turn-based RPG game.  Similarly, when creating an early alpha, it would be useful to have a pre-established adventure to follow so as not to have to worry about that aspect of design while coding and testing systems.  Many table-top RPG designers may freely release mechanics, few release settings and original IP.

Do you have a Patreon or Ko-Fi etc.?

Lastly, your artwork is nicer than many paid products.  Quite surprising for a free product.

Thanks for all your efforts and generosity.

Hey Greymark, that sounds really cool and interesting. if you want to use Lair of the Mutant for your project then go for it. There are no objections from my perspective. 

FYI - The art for my projects is created using Midjourney AI tool so I can’t claim any real credit for it but it does help make the projects look better.