So far, 4.5/5 stars.
In my opinion this is the best Koikatsu based game since Heroes Harem Guild. Story wise it is great with lots of questions that set up the story and world well and wraps up nicely in a short amount of time. I would call up to this point the intro and with free play coming soon it should hopefully introduce a lot more characters, plot hooks, and new things to do.
The models even if based off known characters are really well animated. The facial expressions are truly second to none and I think every sex scene seemed custom animated which is a huge plus after seeing reused assets over and over again.
The only reason I am giving this 4.5/5 is that it is a linear intro rather than a full fledged game, but with that coming in the next update the sky is the limit. The high score though is with the thought that future of this game looks bright. If you are looking for an adult game to put money towards I would recommend looking here first. I for one will be making sure to put towards some money when the next update releases.
P.S. Megumi is my favorite female anime character so it gets extra points for being in here, even if she doesn't have big role I'm still glad she's here.