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I did notice that the subweapons and buster were changed to enhance the melee combat, but doom's level design doesn't really compliment that so it can get pretty difficult to deal with certain enemies when they keep distance, so i get how difficult it is to make Blaz be focused on melee when the game is doesn't help. Also maybe the hammer could have a different effect on melee, like deal slightly more damage and do the aoe damage on the melee hit instead of doing the animation twice.

Anyway, i hope you're doing good and good luck on working on this,.


Making the hammer melee just be an explosive attack and then triggering the cooldown isn't a bad idea, honestly. You're also absolutely right about the issues with some maps insisting on ranged combat with super out reach enemies where I have issues dealing with that even with the failsafes I've added. I'm sticking to my guns here though, or swords in this case. One day when I break away from the Doom engine and go into standalone games, I won't have that problem.

I appreciate your patience as I continue to adjust everything and flip this mod upside down for like the 4th time. With any luck with the next upcoming update I can further finetune Blaz and get things feeling good.

(2 edits)

Can attest to Blaz feeling out of his depth in some maps, especially those that are slaughter-heavy. Due to his melee-centric design, his melee attacks don't feel adequate in dealing with huge hordes of enemies (think Okuplok, Death in Excess, Rush). He lacks the power and AoE needed to have a similar impact that the rocket launcher and BFG does.

These days I prefer to play on the Knave difficulty for a more casual playthrough, and somehow it's still quite easy for Blaz to be overwhelmed by a horde.