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alright so a few bugs I ran into, just wanted to list them so you can try and figure out what's wrong:

  1. duplicated the backpack + contents. most likely an issue regarding the framerate being so low
  2. certain aspect ratios make the pause menu unusable. Not sure how that'd be fixed.
  3. car physics are a little wonky, possibly change the grav force for the car's physics.
  4. dropped items cannot be picked up unless you have the backpack, even the clothing you start the game with.
  5. certain UI elements disappear or appear without input (Default/Finish motions in sex scenes, a small menu popping up relating to toys)
  6. clothing inventory doesn't seem to work
  7. sometimes items placed in hotkey cannot be removed/dropped
  8. when trying to load a save from in-game, trying to respawn, or trying to exit to main menu, it crashes (might be a problem on my end, not 100% sure. not gamebreaking, just tedious when you have to quit to desktop whenever you wanna load a save)

Aaaaaaaaand here's some ideas for what to add:

  • actual tutorial section rather than random pop-ups
  • possibly a guide for what to pickup/where to find starter gear
  • (not a requirement but a good idea for in-dev) maybe a Debug menu (Cash, ammo, etc.)
  • attempt to optimize graphics + performance (My pc runs 16+3 gigs of ram and I have a 3050Ti yet only ran at 15-20 fps, not a big gripe but made my hands look weird after I finished playing XD)
  • mouse sensitivity setting
  • multiple saves

I don't mean to be a bother with these bug reports, just wanted to list the problems I ran into. Overall, love the game and I'm definitely looking forward to future updates. keep up the good work!


Thank you very much for your feedback; it is really appreciated! I'll go through your list of bugs and fix them as soon as possible.

 Regarding your suggestions, I will consider them; many of them I intend to implement and will do so as the project progresses.

 I must say that having someone send over the bugs they discovered and their thoughts is extremely beneficial to small game developers like myself. Some bugs do not appear when I play, therefore I must rely on game supporters; nonetheless, I am continuously striving to improve my bug-finding procedures.


Anyway, thank you once again!
