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(1 edit)

Haven't had a chance to sit with it and absorb yet, but wow my first read-through was intensely cathartic. The Four Truths alone are incredible. If you are a player drawn to the fantasy of wielding abilities to fiercely protect the vulnerable, welcome home. 


I'm glad you found it such a resonant read! Writing it was incredibly cathartic too; there was quite a bit of Mahayanist Buddhist influence on our side, in terms of themes of protecting the vulnerable (and in some ways, becoming powerful enough to protect the vulnerable too, while still retaining elements of the empathy and connections to what made one's own self vulnerable so long ago too)

Thanks for the purchase and comment! We are happy for your input and support!

Thank you for the work, care, and vision put into Shrine! There's something about your game that gives me the feeling of when a tool fits just so in my hand.