I made fairies go to the nearest grid position when stopping and sometimes that meant walking back, which means changing directions and facing the other way.Just have them jump while still facing the direction they were moving before the jump. That way fairies would always jump snap to grid at the end of movement.
The thing is that at its very core poke all toads is an action game, with several layers of puzzle elements on top of it.
I always thought it was a puzzle game first. The only time it felt more like an action game were the more intricate bonus stages.
By the way, I remember buff fairy being able to be slightly pushed by blue fairy. It's like her collider was reacting to blue fairies' unlike the busy fairies'.
It is unnoticeable 95% of the time and was quite happy with it, but at one point I tried a throw very close to a launchpad and the fairy snapped onto it, launching her into the air.
Maybe you could just check if the tile is of a launchpad, and not snap fairies when that's the case.