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Heyo, found a bit of a progression-lock in the early parts of Dark places. 

On the first task you can be assigned, there is a major progression-lock point where you cant win the fight with the corrupt explorer. I've tried using all my different types of weapons, items. But none of them seem to get me past this point.

If anyone knows a way to fix this, Id love to hear.

But apart from that, this is a great game. You've all done a really great job on making it. Hope you have a great day 



I can promise you that the corrupt explorer is definitely beatable, and there's even a few days of doing it.

Stripping and attacking works. Stripping and then using items to stun him are even more effective.
Presenting yourself and using grapple attacks will also work. And Presenting Yourself, letting him get in close, and using Resist! will even do a chunk of HP damage and lower his defenses!

Make sure not to forget about your grapple abilities, especially against lewd foes! If pure weapons and physicality won't work, you've always got that option available to you.


Thanks mate. Apologies for me not knowing how things work

Have a great day and keep up the good work !


Oh jeez, no need to apologise, haha! I'm just glad to hopefully get you unstuck, and that you can maybe enjoy the rest of the game from here on out~!