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Eta on rework? I dont want to join discord so my friends dont know im playing a fanf porn game


I'm fairly certain Discord doesn't show your friends what server you are in UNLESS you're both in the same server.  And then hey, you've got something else in common to talk about!

But onto your question.  Back on 1/9/23, they ESTIMATED it could be "3 to 6 months I suppose?", so there is no real solid ETA.

Another thing to be aware.  The models are being replaced.  We're losing the cute cartoony models for more high-fidelity, realistic ones.  Slim bodies, busty chests, faces are closer to the animals the suits are based on.  This caused quite a ruckus in the server, as you could imagine.  While I'm not a fan of the new models, I'm withholding judgment until I see what those models can do.

The Discord population was given a few options for how updates will be dished out.  Popular vote was "keep us updated with SS and videos both public and patreon, but get playable demos around 50%-60% completion.  Ports may be available."  Then as we approach the finish line, there will be several large updates to finish the game and push it to steam/itch.

So in conclusion, if you want to keep up, you'll likely have to join the Discord server.

woah, just looked at the new models and um... definitely not an improvement but i mean at least now i know my firends dont see this

new models were a community and developer choice. This isn't JUST a porn game the intent was to be an adult horror title. If you wanna jerk off and nothing else there's other projects you can do so with. The entire idea with the new models is to lend an air of slight unnerving to them while still keeping the adult theming which frankly a lot of the fanbase has expressed positive reactions towards. Furthermore the Cally3D models aren't ACTUALLY made for this type of title, any form of viewing of them not at specific angles shows clipping and issues with the models. they were made to be posed and photos taken of, not animated sex scenes.

i dont think their bad, it's just not an improvement in my opinion. still want to see the final version