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Although it does cover mostly everything in Chapter 2, I would say that the post didn’t cover everything I wanted to say about the story. So for this post, I will talk about the story so far.


Fate has a big part of the story. The story hints at the fact that the events happening are already pre-destined. It could be that someone has set up fate to be this way or that it is just how the story will naturally go, yet, I get this suspicion that someone in the story would upset fate in some matter. The only people who seem to have this ability are Neru, Alessia, and any voidborns. (Neru because Pyr has suggested that he could have changed the course of action in the Prologue, Alessia because of my previous post, and voidborns since Noch has hinted at it in Aloys 2.)

-Start of the story

It seems that the reason why the story started in the first place was because of Sofia. Sofia wanted to show the aeons the truth about them, so she conceived Samuel. It is difficult to say if the events happening so far are also within Sofia's plan to show the aeons the truth or if someone is taking advantage of the events that are happening and now are pulling the strings for their agenda.

-When I looked over my previous post, I didn't really give a concrete answer to how I see the story and what I think is going on. So, this is how I currently interpret the story so far. 

Sofia wants to show the aeons the truth about the world they live in by conceiving a child with a voidborn. This truth can be the nature of the aeons, the idea of creating life, or how fate works. 

The aeons reject the truth that Sofia wants to show them and decide to throw Samuel into the void. But before they did that, they plucked his eyes out so that he could never see the Abraxas again.

Three voidborn finds Samuel and decides to 'raise' him.

Wanting to create the light he saw when he was a baby, Samuel wanders off from his voidborn family to find a way to recreate it, resulting in the creation of his universe.

The events of the Redd Manor. (It's hard to tell when this part happened or where it happened. It could be that the Redd Manor occurred before Sofia had Samuel in the void or that it could occur right in Samuel's domain just after he created the universe. It could even happen between those two events. I put it here since it is the latest it could happen, but it is more likely the events of the Redd Manor happened before Samuel created the universe.)

Samuel gives life to the rock people. Life will eventually spread out in his domain, but Samuel couldn’t replicate the light he saw. Yet, he was fond of his creation which contradicts his wants to head back home to the void. So Samuel took responsibility and stayed in his prison until the end of time.

Sofia and his voidborn family see and hear that Samuel is suffering, so they decide to find a way to free him from the prison he created independently.

Before Samuel gave up hope, he came up with the idea that might save him from his prison. So, he created beings stronger than the mortal residing in his domain, beings with the sole purpose of protecting his universe when he is gone. He named these beings descendants. When the aeons heard of this news, they made a plan to destroy Samuel’s creation from the inside. Somehow, the aeons corrupted some of these descendants and turned them into shapeshifters whose sole purpose of finding a way to destroy everything in the universe. (During the corruption, Sofia was able to pass herself down to Neru as the Chimera.) 

The first war happens, which leads to the story in Nerus. (Neru meets up with Shax, who transforms into Obli. They decide to fight for the descendants but fall into Nomino’s trap. Before Neru either dies or becomes incapacitated when entering the void, the Chimera leaves Neru and enters into one of Alessia’s ancestors. When Obli couldn’t find a way to help both Neru and the Demiurge, Noch contacted him. Aloys, Alessia, and Bitey’s story play out, which converges during the events of the murder case. Finally, the event concludes with milkshakes.)


The events in Plata occur. Bitey and Bernardo have their vacation while Alessia tries to find her father. She eventually discovers that her father has some connection with humans under Noch’s influence. Before Alessia has a chance to find him, Bitey tells her not to investigate further. Disobeying Bitey, she heads toward the portal and meets with her father. Unfortunately, this was a trap so that the portal could open.

The portal opens, allowing creatures to enter into the Demiurge’s domain, destroying everything. Obli plans to find Neru and close up the portal, but once he finds out that Neru is either dead or not himself anymore, Obli becomes devastated. The Demiurge’s domain merges back into the void, allowing voidborns and aeons to destroy everything. The aeons decide to end all of this by killing Samuel. 

After some time, with the help of the dead Samuel, someone was able to revive Neru but couldn’t completely give Neru’s old memories back. Neru, who is currently the burned man, goes along with the story so far. After watching all the memories and getting his memory back, Neru would have the option to change fate by changing the past or the current future.

There are many plotholes with my interpretation of the story, but it is the only one I could think of that fits well with everything so far, to a degree. With the events so far, this is the only conclusion I could make that can connect all of the events without any major gaps. Yet, I still don’t desire such outcomes, and hopefully will be given or think of a better explanation that ties everything together that gives a better outcome.