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(2 edits)

Hey thanks for playing! I watched the VOD and you gave some really solid feedback there!

I know that the game really needs some polishing, especially scene transitions and showing what floor you are on. Also noticed you didnt get very far into the game (not even to the first boss fight), which is totally fair because I probably made a session of the game take too long. I know for small game jam games it should aim to be around 10 minutes, I think this game might take 30 or so.

I really overscoped with this one, therefore I had to cut a lot of content. I originally planned to add more weapons, abilities like dash, fireball spell or something, different enemies etc..). I will probably make some QOL changes today so UI/UX is a little better at least. Also change balancing probably to make the game shorter so people get to the boss fights :P

Btw I made the art all myself from scratch for this jam, just wanted to note since you mentioned asset packs.

Your rating seems really fair too, I am glad you liked the art :) Enjoyment is understandably low, more movement options would make the game a lot more satisfying. Your suggestion of blocking attacks is really interesting, probably gonna mess around with trying that.

Edit: Forgot to mention sound effects, not much to say about it other than that I had no time :P
Edit 2: Btw the shop resets your abilities every time you die, so you can spend your high score tokens on different upgrades (if wanted). You don't lose progress because you can always spend whatever your highest score is. Didnt explain that anywhere so gonna add a disclaimer / description somewhere.