Hi, no read me file for now, I have to write one. Sorry about that.
If you hold left click on a tool, you can see the different options of this tool. Polygon is an option of the shape tool (the rectangle), lasso an option of the selection tool. You also have a line tool as an option of the pencil.
There are some options that are "hidden":
- right-click on the colored square: set this color as background-color
- Ctrl+click on the colored square or a swatche : select all pixel that have that color (to enable the swatches, click on the arrow on the palette window)
- right-click on pipette tool: enabled an experimental pipette that allow you to pick up color behind the canvas.
- If a selection is allready set:
- Shift+do an other selection :add the new selection to the old selection
- Alt + do an other selection: remove the new selection area to the old selection