Uploading previous progress that I have made.
Building Battle System Mechanics
1. KO & Countdown
Getting KO'ed will initiate a countdown,
which the player has to choose either to revive or throw the towel.
- You can revive by pressing the interaction button,
given that you have enough currency to revive.
- You can throw the towel by pressing the cancel button.
If no choice was made during the countdown phase, the game will automatically surrender.
2. Reviving
In order to revive, player's currency (coins) will be at cost.
The cost will be a third of enemy's coin reward.
If the player is incapable of paying the revive cost, the game will automatically surrender.
Enemy will also fully restore when the player revives.
fair battle, you know?
3. Losing the Battle
Losing the battle will cost the player the exact amount of enemy's coin reward.
For now the player simply exits out the battle,
but I am considering of maybe transporting the player to wake up in a hospital or something.
Have some ideas going around my head, it'll be a matter of implementing it..
Battle Lost
4. Winning the Battle
Winning the battle will reward you with experience points, coins and possibly items!
Made Items to have a drop chance.
A battle result card will pop up shortly after the enemy Knock-Out,
displaying how many counters, parries and super attacks the player executed during the battle.
Reward experience points, coins will increase the better the result!
Result Card
Whew! I think that's all for the general outline of battle system that I finished in 03/07/2022.
It took really long learning how to transfer data across scripts.
Not to mention creating animations and all.
I'll probably have to fix some hidden bugs and adjust some functions in the future.