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This isn't probably ever going to get high up on the list of priorities, but perhaps additional body modifications, even if they're only small? A couple I could come up with off the top of my head-
-Longer Tongue
-Additional ear types
-Perhaps some sort of body piercings? Idk how that'd work tho lol
-Longer digits, and/or nails
-More teeth varieties (Like perhaps vampire-styled ones?)
-Would take quite a bit of work, and I don't think it would even function with the animation engine, but perhaps wings/other such protrusions from the back?
These are just the few I could come up with, and even if I'm not personally a fan of a few of these ideas, there are those who are.

I think what could be added is the ability for mods to add such functionality. If I were the dev, that's how I'd do it.