Thank you very much for an overwhelmingly huge, positive and kind writeup for our game! It's a pleasure to know you could spend such a long and enjoyable time with GROVE and have such positive things to say about it all in all.
I can only hope we can continue to make something that achieves the same quality level, or somehow even exceeds it! It's a tall order... but we're gonna try our best, for sure!
Also, two things regarding your critiques:
Are you playing with mouse controls? The zoomed-in area is known to be... difficult if you do. Whilst click controls work a decent amount of the time, there's a reason the UI at the start of the game recommends arrow-key controls.
The water tentacle plants can be avoided, just pay attention to the sprites. They rise up and down from the water in an on-off sequence. If you get nabbed in one state... just time your jump for when they're in the other state!
Hope maybe this helps a bit with some of your issues!