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This is the kind of game I'd spend hours playing as a kid.

I was fearing every level could be cheesed given I could beat the first few levels with just a wheel, but on level 6 things took a turn! I'm currently stuck on level 9, I don't know if I'll be able to beat it, but I really want to!

Very fun game!

I don't know if this is me but is there any sound on the game? I see audio options on the menu but I can't hear anything.

Some criticisms I can give:

I really would've liked the ability to move existing components, given it's hard to know where the edges of a rectangle will end up when you are building it from the center, so the additional option to move it would've helped a lot.

Also, the ability to zoom out, I felt like the camera was a bit too zoomed in for comfort, sometimes my thing would jump out of the map and I wouldn't be able to tell where it was supposed to go.

Another thing I noticed is that sometimes, while building, especially right after coming back from racing, the thing would just start wobbling uncontrollably, making it hard to select anything.

Other than that I think this game has a lot of potential, it's easy to understand, the interface is very clear and concise, and it's really really fun! I spent about an hour trying to beat it, so that should count for something :).


OMG this is so awesome! PLEASE let me know when you beat level 9. I'd love to see a screenshot of that contraption :D

I didn't have time to put in any audio, so that's how it is :) 

Regarding your criticism:

I agree with all of your points. 100%.

It's incredible to me that you not only had fun playing my game, but even spent an hour playing and then took the time to write all this. You made my day! Thank you so much! <3