the actual fuck i was not excepting that curse my natural people pleaser ness (i got the ending ‘bad ending: will (1)’)
edit: played it again got ‘bad ending: will (2)’ do that’s nice
i did it and it only took me three tries i got the good ending with will
i regret purposely getting the bad ending for Noe i feel horrible i can’t believe i’ve done this at least with will it’s not completely my fault with Noe i’m just a total jerk
Tommy is so cute i know that in one ending he (spoiled) kills me but i have no regrets but in the good one so cute
the bad ending for Jess is the best i can’t even
Tommy’s side story is so sad
awe Noe and Tommy’s side story is so cute
in conclusion i will be thinking about these characters a lot and dreaming about them and i love this game thank you for making it