Today mostly toying with some grid creating logic to make grids where I can reference any cells I need. Y'know, for random level generation and stuff :D
Never done that before, so its goin pretty slow xD
Here's what I have rn:
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class PointSetter : MonoBehaviour { public GridLayoutGroup _grid; public RectTransform _gridRectTransform; public Vector2 _gridSize; public float _gridSizeMultiplyer; public float _cellSize; public GameObject _cell; public List<gameobject> _cells; public List<vector2> _cellPositions; private void Awake() { SetPoints(); Debug.Log($"{_gridRectTransform.rect.size}"); } public void CellSetter() { } public void SetPoints() { _grid.cellSize.Set(_cellSize, _cellSize); Vector2 gridSize = _gridSize * _cellSize * _gridSizeMultiplyer; _gridRectTransform.sizeDelta = gridSize; int cellcount = (int)(gridSize.x/ _cellSize * gridSize.y / _cellSize); Debug.Log($"{cellcount} cells"); for (int i = 0; i <= cellcount; i++) { GameObject newCell = Instantiate(_cell, _grid.transform); _cells.Add(newCell); _cellPositions.Add(newCell.transform.position); } _grid.enabled = false; for (int i = 0; i < _cells.Count; i++) { _cells[i].transform.position = _cellPositions[i]; } } public void OuterLayers() { var LeftestColumn = _cells[0]; var TopRow = _cells[0]; var RightestColumn = _cells[(int)(_gridSize.x * _gridSizeMultiplyer)]; var BottomRow = _cells[(int)(_gridSize.y * _gridSizeMultiplyer)]; } }