I really liked the game! I appreciated the late-game features like the market and alchemy tower. As taking advantage of the "manual" events like chopping forests was still efficient/relevant later on, along with the fact that no resource became obsolete, the game still felt challenging throughout.
I did like how you slowly learned what everything does, but at the same time, I had no idea I could build special things next to the kingdom until by complete accident. I was really confused why I couldn't upgrade my kingdom even though I didn't have the resources, and a guide or tip of some kind would have been helpful. At the same time, it would take away some of the mysterious charm of the game, so I'm a little conflicted.
Maybe don't give the option for upgrading the kingdom until you buy the special buildings?
Also, you should add some kind of confirmation for restarting the game. I lost a lot of progress by pressing the tab button.
Anyways, I put my current world above. I tried to balance aesthetics and realism along with maximized buildings. I haven't used the "drop" option yet, kind of afraid it'll be the ending. I also didn't have enough patience to get the rainbow dog despite the amount of time I waited for the entire game.
edit: NOOOOOO i saw the ending coming but i'm still sad ;-;
Thanks for playing! I completely forgot about the tab button lol. Adding a confirmation window before restarting the game is a nice idea. About upgrade conditions, i'm thinking about putting a text box showing what structures players need to obtain first.
P/s: Nice world! I love the realism in your design.