First impressions were mixed. The main menu looks good, but the options menu is basically empty, and some of the UI elements are rough. I found the font used throughout most of the game incredibly hard to read. I'm not sure if it would be better or worse on mobile.
I'm always impressed when I see customization options. That's something I love to see in games and would like to try someday if I can ever figure out how to do it without sending my scope to the moon. It definitely felt very WIP, though, with limited options and some buttons appearing to do nothing.
Visually, it's an impressive game. All 3D with some nice environments, good use of effects, and spiffy animations. The character models are kinda uncanny valley, especially the female one which appears to be literally the default one with a bra, but maybe that's the point.
I'm mildly concerned about how performance is going to be on mobile. And a 700MB APK would be absolutely massive. But neither of those things are problems for the game in its current state.
Unfortunately, only the desktop version was available to play, and the controls really don't translate well to a mouse. I can sort of see how they're supposed to work with touch input, but it's incredibly awkward with a mouse. I also sometimes didn't get the prompts, and sometimes didn't throw punches even when the prompts came up. I'm not sure if that's because of some game mechanic, or because it's not registering my inputs.
That, by extension, makes it really hard to evaluate the gameplay on its own merits. There seemed to be some complexity to when I could attack and when that attack would land, but for all I know it could just be totally random with inputs being dropped or attacks not landing because of bugged colliders.
Not that I know much about fighting games. I've played quite a few: various Street Fighters, King of Fighters, Samurai Shodown... I suck at all of them.
I really feel it needs an ingame tutorial of some kind, but maybe that can come later in development.
I'm not really into fighting games, nor have I followed the development of this game, so it's hard to get a feel for where it's coming from, where it is along the journey, and where it's eventually planned to end up. I was impressed by the graphics and overall presentation, but struggled to make sense of its gameplay. It's really a shame the Android version didn't work because it would have been nice to see this on a mobile platform as it's intended to be.