So far so good, I'm really enjoying how fast it is and how well it handles complex colliders as well!
Everything is fine, until you add Prefabs or nested ones: looks like it requires some extra manual work to have it working :)
Would be useful if you specify where exactly the Deformer component needs to reside: I'm pretty sure it has to be on the same transform that contains a mesh, but some people could assume that it could work like, putting at the base of a complex hierarchy of the base.
It would also useful to know if it works or should work when in Prefab editing mode.
How does it handle instancing? Is it safe to create a prefab with a deformable inside?
Would the deform use the same shared cloned mesh (would be cool if Deformer asked about tweaking the original mesh asset to be marked as read/write, which seems to be an implicit prerequisite) or is it going to create a clone of the mesh even if the deform is "in prefab space"?
Everything is pretty straightforward until you get to some corner case: I'd suggest to work on creating some documentation about it: it's vital when you have to work in teams and is definitely something companies would appreciate to see ;)
This is really an amazing work, thanks for creating it :)