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(3 edits)

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8-2: Gurer'f n srj qvssrerag jnlf lbh pbhyq nccebnpu trggvat gb gur svany fbyhgvba, ohg ernyvmr gung lbhe tbny ng gur fgneg vf gb perngr n "cyna" jurer lbh hfr gur artngvir xrlf bayl ba qbbef gung lbh ner tbvat gb hfr zber guna bapr. Ubj gb perngr fnvq cyna? Ntnva, gurer'f n srj qvssrerag jnlf gb guvax nobhg guvf, ohg bar fgengrtl vf gb sbphf ba bar bs gur pbybef svefg, naq bapr lbh'er pbasvqrag gung lbh unir n cyna sbe gung pbybe, lbh zvtug unir fvtavsvpnagyl yrff artngvir znfgre xrlf gb jbex jvgu gb fbyir rirel bgure pbybe jvgu. Ner gurer nal pbybef va gur obggbz pbeevqbe gung frrz cnegvphyneyl "erfgevpgvir?" (Gung vf gb fnl, ner gurer nal pbybef gung frrz qvssvphyg gb npuvrir gur nccebcevngr ahzore (be ahzoref??) bs xrlf?)

8-5: Guvf bar vf irel fvyyl. :3 Gur svany guerr oynax qbbef frrz gb erdhver lbh gb unir mreb checyr xrlf, mreb juvgr xrlf, naq gura aba-mreb juvgr xrlf. Vf gung rira cbffvoyr??? Vs abg, vf gurer nal cbffvoyr jnl gb punatr jung gubfr pbaqvgvbaf zvtug ragnvy? Vs fb, ubj pna lbh npuvrir gung? Qrcraqvat ba lbhe nafjre gb gubfr dhrfgvbaf, lbh znl be znl abg jnag gb rkcrevzrag n ovg. Ntnva, guvf bar vf irel fvyyl. :3 :3

8-6: Gurer'f n srj gevpxf urer gung arrq gb or qbar. Lbh znl unir nyernql sbhaq n srj bs gurfr, ohg whfg va pnfr lbh unira'g: Lbh zvtug unir abgvprq gung bcravat n ghaary jvgu n oyhr xrl "erdhverf" lbh gb eha guebhtu gur ghaary hagvy lbh pbyyrpg gur arkg xrl. Ubjrire, rirel fvatyr cbffvoyr pbzovangvbaf bs ghaaryf lbh pna cbffvoyl tb guebhtu gung jnl trgf lbh fghpx! Qvq jr znxr n jebat nffhzcgvba naljurer? Vs jr qvq, ubj qbrf gung nssrpg gur gbgny ahzore bs xrlf/qbbef sbe n cnegvphyne pbybe? Fvapr jr arrq gur gbgny ahzore bs xrlf pbyyrpgrq naq fcrag sbe gung pbybe gb or mreb (orpnhfr bs gur oynax qbbe ng gur raq), ubj jr pna svk guvf?

8-N: Guvf bar frrzf irel gbhtu ng svefg tynapr. Lbh unir gb perngr n ybbc bs qbbef lbh pna hfr gung nyybjf gb lbh fcraq lbhe -5 znfgre xrlf va fhpu n jnl gung qbrfa'g qrfgebl nal bs gur qbbef, naq nyybjf lbh gb tnva nabgure -5 znfgre xrlf, fb gung lbh pna ercrng gur cebprff nf znal gvzrf nf lbh arrq gb trg evq bs gur oynax cher qbbef. Vs lbh abgvpr gung va na nggrzcg gb perngr lbhe ybbc bar bs gur qbbef trgf qrfgeblrq, gura znlor lbh pna gnxr nqqvgvbany zrnfherf gb znxr fher vg qbrfa'g trg qrfgeblrq...

I find 8-5 and 8-A to be the two most fun/interesting levels in the world you have left, but 8-4 might be a bit easier than A.

[Also, I'm not the dev so my word isn't absolute, but if you have any further questions, it might be more appropriate to create a new topic in the community page than to use the bug report page? People will still see your questions there, I promise :) ]

(3 edits)

did 8-5,ill edit when i beat another

edit:ok i didn't beat one of them but i think i need another hint for 8-A just cause its still hard

edit2:oh yea if you have a hint for 5-B please give me one

edit3:nevermind i beat 8-B...