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Information : It is a prototype of our game for the WinterGameJam

I'd like feedback on:
- should we make the boomerang go through enemys or comeback after hit

- should we make boomerange jump catch it or throw it down -is everything readable? -Can you always find the character on screen?

 -is the level design intuitive

 -how does the boomerang speed feel throwing and returning

 - what kind of enemies or puzzles do you think would be fun with this game

This is really fun!  I love the idea!

It would feel a lot smoother and fit into the theme if you could make the boomerang do less damage, but pass through enemies and hit them a second time on the way back. It would open up a lot of room for strategy and a higher skill ceiling.

The character looks great and I always knew where they were, and I was never confused about where to go or what to do. Levels and character are both great.

Speed feels great, it might be cool to make it come back slower than  when it's thrown. That's just my opinion though.

Maybe an enemy that can grab    onto your boomerang for a couple seconds and throw it back at you?  It could also be cool if the boomerang could grab things like health pickups or keys and pull them back to the player. Maybe an enemy or boss could take advantage of this by dropping bombs that the player will pull back towards themselves on the boomerang?

Really really cool idea, I'm excited to play it when it's finished!

Thank you for your feedback i really love your ideas we will try to think about it and add it for sure Happy that you like it

My only problem that it was too short hah. rly fun!