Thanks! It's been a lot of fun and already I'm enjoying it a lot. So far, filling in the blanks of the lore with my own stuff has been probably one of the the most interesting parts because I'm approaching it like a writing exercise. Things like fleshing out the relationship between the Uniques, Shade, and the Rune Lord was pretty cool and I tried to fit it as best as I could with the lore provided - there's stuff that I've already written so that if or when it comes up, I already know about it and can have Shade react to that information accordingly.
The combat was fun and definitely a lot more difficult than I anticipated and I think Sling + Longsword + Strider Boots + Fate's Hunter was a bad move on my part. The Sling was *way* too difficult to use for the Boathouse encounter and I think I only managed to use it once. The Longsword didn't let me outmaneuver the enemies like I hoped it would, so my next Engraved will likely start with the axe. I don't think I wrote it in the combat section, but in the notes for writing out the fight, Shade's Strider Boots are actually what saved her a few times since I either forgot I could add Stamina dice or my dice just didn't generate a result to move her. So, it stopped the Mercenary from managing to get a blow on her since she'd just move out of his range. This did have the unfortunate side effect of meaning she would miss her own attacks but by that point she was down to 4 Health and I was trying to figure out if Shade could get a better trade in. I think it ended up being just 1 Harm dealt to her for 3 Harm (overkill because he only had 2 Health left himself) dealt to him, so she survived. The Fate's Hunter Rune didn't do much to help either, but I suspect that it will be a big help if I end up fighting the Necromancer and the Lost Knight together, since killing either one of them will mean that I get a health back. I definitely intend to swap out the Sling as soon as possible. I think it's far too situational to really justify using it.
I haven't decided yet on the frequency of chapters, but it might be that they're my warm up exercises before I do some of my own prose writing.