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Vraiment ravi que tu ais apprécié le jeu et honoré que tu aie pris le temps de l'explorer et d'en faire une review. Je n'avais pas pensé à la première impression d'inachevé que mon menu de fin pourrait laisser, je vais retravailler cela en prenant en compte tes remarques. Merci !


De rien, et surtout merci a vous. 

C'est un grand plaisir de me laisser emmener dans l'univers imaginaire de quelq'un clairement passioné par le monde et les personages de sa creation.


Bonjour Hegemonos. Juste pour dire que pour moi personnellement, Pippa est la "Meilleure Fiction Interactive" du concours. (Concours FI Francophone '23 - Competitions - The Interactive Fiction Community Forum (

thank you very much! its actually a very personnal and, i got to admit it, a little bit chaotic project which took too much time and i was kinda nervous about publishing it, but of all the things which has been said during this contest, your review  helped me the most about thinking it was worth it. I will keep working and if i manage to publish more stuff, you can take some merit of it


Hey! Thanks for responding. 

I will certainly keep an eye out for more work from you. If you want, you could send me a beta version to test when you have something new you want to publish. I wouldn't be any good for correcting the language, but I could play through and send you my thoughts and reactions.

Again: I loved being a guest in Pippa's world.

Let's do that! And if you need any help about a potential project of your or if you just want someone to discuss about worldbuilding in general i'm in